The Story of the Little Tiger (Korea)

Once upon a time, in a dense forest in Korea, there lived a little tiger named Dae-woong. Dae-woong was a small and weak tiger, and he longed to be as strong and fierce as his father. He wanted to be able to hunt and protect his family just like his father did.

Dae-woong went to his father and asked him how he could become strong like him. His father told him that there was a magical herb that grew deep in the forest that would make him strong. Dae-woong was determined to find the herb and set out on a journey to find it.

Dae-woong traveled through the forest, facing many challenges along the way. He encountered fierce beasts and dangerous obstacles, but he did not give up. He was determined to find the herb and become strong like his father.

One day, Dae-woong met an old fox who was also on a journey. The fox told Dae-woong that the herb he was looking for was not the key to strength, but instead the key to wisdom and compassion. The fox also told Dae-woong that true strength comes from being kind and wise.

Dae-woong was confused and didn't understand how being kind and wise could make him strong. The fox then explained that through kindness and wisdom, Dae-woong would be able to protect and lead his family, he would be able to understand the true nature of things and make wise decisions.

Dae-woong finally understood what the old fox meant and decided to pursue wisdom and compassion instead of just physical strength. He returned home to his family, and with the guidance of his father, he became a wise and compassionate leader of his tiger clan. He lived a long and fulfilling life, respected by all the animals in the forest.

The end.