The story of the Sun and the Moon (Korea)

Once upon a time, in the land of the skies, there lived the Sun and the Moon. The Sun was a proud and powerful being, who loved to shine brightly and warm the earth below. The Moon, on the other hand, was a gentle and peaceful being, who loved to light up the night sky.

The Sun and the Moon were always in competition, each one wanting to be the most important and the brightest. They would constantly argue and try to outshine each other. The Sun would always say that he was more important because he provided light and warmth during the day, while the Moon would say that she was more important because she provided light during the night.

One day, the Sun and the Moon decided to ask the wise old man in the sky to decide who was the most important. The old man listened to their argument and then told them that they were both important. He explained that the Sun provides light and warmth during the day, while the Moon provides light during the night. Without the Sun, the plants and animals would not be able to survive, and without the Moon, the night would be too dark for humans and animals to see.

The Sun and the Moon finally understood that they were both important and that they needed to work together to bring light to the world. From that day on, the Sun and the Moon worked together to light up the sky. The Sun would shine brightly during the day, and the Moon would light up the night. Together, they brought light to the world and created the beautiful cycles of day and night.

The end.